My son Alexander (7) is writing a book about a three-eyed cyclops. Believe it or not, I had trouble finding a picture of a three-eyed cyclops, so this one-eyed version will have to do.
I don't want to give anything away, but so far the hero, Chris, has undergone training to fight the monster (which, as a three-eyed cyclops, must appear a monster even to his fellows); for some reason, in the middle of his training, Chris was tricked by his trainer to enter a girls' bathroom--I guess it was to toughen him up for the battle ahead; a princess has died from an arrow shot straight down through the "soft spot" in the top of her head; and the cyclops has "freaked out" because his son and daughter died in battle. In an unexpected plot twist, the daughter turns out to be the very same above-mentioned princess.
That's it so far, but with Alexander there is sure to be more to follow.
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