Saturday, June 11, 2011


Back in town for the weekend, hopefully only a few more days working out of town. I had a few moments to scrawl out a little poem for Three Word Wednesday, prompt words were: alter, fond, tranquil.


It comes back to me slightly
altered, a rippling image
of what is real. But that’s
not quite right. The reflection
is just as real although existing
beyond touch. To touch
it is to break it, like some
fond memory too precious
for clumsy hands, kept
in the tranquil
depths of the heart.


  1. This is gorgeous "like some
    fond memory too precious
    for clumsy hands" I love this line

  2. What a concise, tender a little memory tucked up in the palm of your hand..but you don't need the crumpled paper to remember it..Jae

  3. Sorry I'm so far behind in commenting. Thanks to you, mindlovemisery. Sometimes a line feels right when you write it, but one can never be sure how other people will react. Your kind words mean a lot.

    Jae, thanks. "[D]on't need the crumpled paper to remember it." That's just right. And if I'm not mistaken, your 3WW for this week (6/15) is a wonderful elaboration of this thought.

  4. Glad to discover your poetry talent

    Hope to see you join poets rally week 48 today,

    Visit me for details, share and make poetic friends, wow.


    Have fun!
