Friday, January 18, 2013

Sports Definitions, updated for 2013

Tebowing--the act of bowing on one knee, fist on forehead, to thank or beg God for some victory over the opponent.

Kapernicking--the act of kissing one's own bicep, in praise of one's God-given skills.

Armstronging--the act of cheating and lying one's way to the top.

Te'oing--definition still to be determined.


  1. You left this comment on stufffundieslike.

    "I left the IFB movement a little over two decades ago, also enjoying stints in Presbyterian and Reformed Baptist churches (including a tour of duty as a RB pastor) before becoming Orthodox in 2000. I should add: I am still Orthodox, but I would be considered “progressive” by anyone’s standards."

    I started out in the Southern Baptist church though my family later went to other fundamental churches. We were in ATI, a homeschool cult that stress KJV and women only wearing dresses. My family left that when I was 16. Then I stumbled into the Reformed Baptist church. Currently I am becoming more progressive, more liberal, and have been attracted to the Greek Orthodox church.

    Curious why you went to the Orthodox church and more of your journey!


    1. Lana, I left a (terribly long--sorry!) note on your blog. You are welcome here. I really love your blog title. Wonderful!
